National Operator of FEE

Work with us: As an Adviser

How advisors will be associated with the organisation

Interested personalities, who have special expertise and long experience in any relevant field of our work may join as Advisors. As per section 91 of the Company Act (1994), the Board of Directors can appoint someone as a Director if the Board of Directors thinks this is a good fit. The Board of Directors, by the resolution, shall determine the power and jurisdiction of the advisor appointed by them. This is at the absolute discretion (subject to the existing law of the land) of the Board.

Who are the advisors?

  • The advisors will be from diverse fields relevant to the work of the organisaiton as determined in accordance with the organisation’s resolution made in favor of their appointment by the Board of Directors. All advisors will be expected to work aligned with the vision, mission and values ​​of the organisation. In this regard, the decision of the Board of Directors will be considered final; 
  • The Board of Directors will decide at a board meeting who can work as an advisor;        
  • Advisors can be selected from within the country or internationally; 
  • Preference may be given to s/he who is known as a positive personality and is admired as an honest and valued person in the community.


  • There will be no limitation on the number of advisors that the organisation can work with, and it is anticipated that we will engage any       number of advisors to address our current and future needs.

Duties and Responsibilities of Advisors:

  • Advisors will advise board members in advancing the organisation’s       core objectives and its successful implementation of activities undertaken; 
  • Will be encouraged to undertake / formulate and provide needed support for new initiatives and programs for the organisation; 
  • Advisors will be willing to contribute to any other initiatives matching their expertise when requested by the board members; 
  • In line with the initiative, they will be able to connect with the      organisation by looking for helpful funding opportunities; 
  • They can also play a role in implementing the specific activities of the      organisation by being associated with specific activities of the organisation;.
  • They will likely give time to the organisation at least once every two months. He / She will also try to give time for any special event or annual event; 
  • In special arrangements where the participation of a particular advisor is required, the date and time will be fixed in consultation with him / her; 
  • He / She can directly or indirectly contribute to the development of the organisation.

The benefits that advisors receive from the organisation are:

  • If an advisor undertakes or brings a specific project, project, or initiative. In these cases, he/ she can request to invest the profit from the initiative into a specific case or to a specific activity if they choose; 
  • If they join the organisation and work, they will be able to receive salary/remuneration/ honorarium from the organisation; 
  • In that case, he/ she can keep the full amount himself / herself or reinvest in any noble activity of the organisation; 
  • The organisation will be able to spend the profits of its initiatives on its own initiatives or other charitable activities; 
  • Most advisors will remain honorary; however, specific and separate agreements can be arranged involving monetary benefits if deemed necessary/beneficial; 
  • The contribution of the advisors will be gratefully acknowledged and in some cases with the permission of the advisor, the initiative will be      published to gain publicity.  .

What the organisation will not do: 

The organisation will never use the name of an advisor or advisor intentionally for any nefarious purpose or in the hope of making more profit. The involvement of advisors in the work of the organisation  will be promoted, if oral or written consent has been provided.

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Work with us: As an Adviser

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