The rainy season is a suitable time for Aman paddy cultivation. Instead of dark clouds, there are white clouds in the blue sky like autumn. No sign of rain, not even a drop of rain for several months.
“During the cultivation of Aman paddy, there is not even a drop of water in the land – I have never seen such a situation before, especially during the monsoon season. It is not drought or lack of rain, I am talking about the sudden deterioration of the environment because of climate change, during the rainy season and people are suffering from extreme heat in the bright sunshine all around. But in my childhood, I see, currently, the rainwater is knee-deep in the land, floods all around – the scene of fishing. I have been noticing a change in the weather for the last few years. And this year, it seems as if it is a sign of a big disaster. Thousands of farmers like me have irrigated land with electricity and diesel engines to grow Aman paddy. While irrigating, I felt that the environment, weather, clouds, and rain had quarreled with farmers. I have never seen such a sight before. This is first of its kind in my nearly 50 years of farming experience.”- shared by the farmer Shamsuddin Mondal (age about 70 years) of Dhamirhat Upazila of Naogaon in the northern district of Barendra Bhumi.
Today, protecting the environment and dealing with climate change is one of the challenges of the century. A lot of things like black smoke from vehicles and factories are increasing the number of greenhouse gases, methane, and carbon dioxide. As a result, we are constantly rushing towards a major environmental disaster.
To protect the balance of the environment and to deal with the environmental disaster, all the people living in the world, including the young and the old, must work together. For this reason, it seems necessary to comply with all the provisions of the Bangladesh Environmental Protection Act-1995 and the Bangladesh Environmental Protection Act-2010 (Amended). Also, we need proper implementation of the Act in all cases.
It is the demand of time to build a livable world while preserving the environment by combining intellectual innovation and technology. And that is why, being informed by global values, teenagers and young people have a great responsibility in this regard. So that farmers like Shamsuddin Mandal do not have to suffer like this. Shamsuddin Mondal has highlighted the problem, in this case, innovative solutions are needed in combination with technology, and also, there is a need for awareness. And in this case, I believe that teenagers and young people from all over the country associated with Probha Aurora can show a new way.
– Md Jahid Iqbal, Student Honors Second Year, Department of Botany, Joypurhat Government College