National Operator of FEE

ICT Services

VR and IVR Materials Development:

Collaborating with VIAMO to create immersive VR and IVR materials for environmental education, engaging diverse audiences and fostering awareness. Contributing to the development of IVR content on climate change and environmental protection, enhancing outreach as VIAMO's country partner.

Carbon Footprint Tracker App:

Developing an app in collaboration with the government's ICT division to instill consciousness regarding carbon emissions at individual and organizational levels.

GIS-Based Tools for Research and Outreach:

Creating a youth-focused GIS database and tools for research, program outcomes, and nationwide outreach, addressing water-related challenges and environmental issues.

Machine Learning and AI Integration:

Future plans to integrate machine learning and AI into solutions for up-to-date and globally applicable environmental insights.

ICT-Enabled Campaigns and Events:

Playing a pivotal role in organizing events on environment and climate change, mobilizing volunteers and engaging youth through digital platforms.

Eco-Friendly E-Commerce:

Promoting zero-plastic packaging in our Sabuj Sathi Eco-Friendly Centre and E-Commerce platform, showcasing indigenous eco-friendly products globally.

Future Integration of IoT:

Envisioning a sensor device using IoT to capture, track, and estimate carbon emissions, aligning with the commitment to adopt the latest technologies.

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